ICSI with TESA: A Ray of Hope for Infertile Couples

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ICSI with TESA A Ray of Hope for Infertile Couples

ICSI with TESA A Ray of Hope for Infertile Couples

The desire to have a baby always remains prominent amongst couples; no matter the complexity they face throughout their reproduction journey. A couple with a history of primary infertility visited Dr. Sanjay Makwana, Chief Medical Director, Senior IVF Specialist & Endoscopic Surgeon at Vasundhara Hospital. In this case, Dr. Sanjay Makwana found that the husband was azoospermic. He had been operated on for hydrocele. Hydrocele is a condition wherein fluid accumulates in the scrotum. Under such conditions, the person continues to ejaculate, but it will be devoid of any sperms. The couple underwent treatments at multiple facilities but failed to achieve the desired result.   

What is Azoospermia?

Azoospermia is a medical condition that leads to male-factor infertility wherein the semen does not contain sperms. Under this medical condition, the semen does not contain enough sperms to fertilize the egg (ovum).

Read More Here: Azoospermia: Causes, Types, Treatment, TESA, MESA, PESA and more

Medical Tests & Procedures

The couple that reached Dr. Makwana underwent a chain of evaluations and fertility tests for assessing their infertility. On undergoing semen analysis, no sperms were found. However, the wife was tested of no abnormalities.

Fertility Advice & Producers given by Dr. Sanjay Makwana

After evaluating the case thoroughly, Dr. Makwana discussed all the possible way-outs with the couple. Since the couple was capable of conceiving a biological child, Dr. Makwana advised them to undergo ICSI with TESA (Testicular Sperm Aspiration).

What is IVF-ICSI?

ICSI or Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection is a procedure applied for IVF treatment. Rather than allowing the sperm to fertilise the egg by itself in a Petri dish (as it happens in case of conventional IVF); here in IVF-ICSI, the doctor injects healthy sperm into the cytoplasm of the ovum (egg) to allow fertilizations. Generally, it is performed when the sperm motility is low. ICSI is thus, an assisted reproductive technology that can increase the possibility of pregnancy.

Read More Here: 10 Frequently Asked Questions Related to In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

TESA: A Breakthrough in Cases with Azoospermia

Prior to the advent of the advanced technologies for IVF treatment, couples used to lose their hope of conceiving using their gametes. The only option left out to them for a successful pregnancy was to use donor sperm. However, thanks to TESA! With the advancements in the tools and technologies, TESA or Testicular Sperm Aspiration has emerged as a ray of hope for the ones experiencing Azoospermia. Here, local or general anesthesia is applied and the    tissue/sperm aspiration is performed using a needle. After been tested for their fertility, these sperms are used for ICSI. However, the TESA procedure should always be performed in coordination with the egg retrieval.

The Journey towards Pregnancy

Dr. Makwana advised the wife to undergo ovarian stimulation for egg retrieval. Till now, the husband’s TESA was complete and a few healthy sperms were found. The Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) protocol was followed and the result was a success. With the concerted efforts of Dr. Makwana and the couple, the women became pregnant at the very first attempt and successfully gave birth to a healthy baby just a few months back.

These days male fertility has become a serious problem. However, thanks to the scientific advancements like TESA and ICSI that has been instrumental in overcoming the challenges and helps the couples in conceiving a biological child. 

In case you have any male infertility related queries, feel free to contact our experts at Vasundhara Hospital.

Medically Reviewed By:
Dr. Sanjay Makwana
Chief Medical Director Sr. Endoscopic Surgeon & A.R.T. Specialist

Dr. Sanjay Makwana having more than 25 years of enriching experience in the field of Infertility, training exposure from Genk, Belgium, Germany, Italy. One of the Best &Most Senior Infertility Specialist heading the department of Assisted Reproductive Technology and has set a benchmark for Best IVF Clinic & Infertility Management in Rajasthan. He has been felicitated with various awards and recognition’s in the field of Infertility.

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