10 Frequently Asked Questions Related to In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

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10 Frequently Asked Questions Related to In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

10 Frequently Asked Questions Related to In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

Before taking up IVF, you may have multiple doubts related to the process, ranging from the side effects of the process, to right time to take up the treatment, to questions on how to relieve the stress experienced during this process, to what type of vitamins do you need to take?

Here are answers to 10 Frequently Asked Questions related to IVF that the patients have in their minds.  

1. What is the correct time to begin the treatment for IVF?

As regards the correct time to begin the treatment for IVF, your doctor is the best person to guide you through. Your doctor shall explain you everything starting from the best time to begin your treatment after the initial consultation, to examination and blood tests. However, your treatment may be started by your clinician on the 2nd and 3rd day of your period.   

2. How much does the IVF treatment cost?

Another most commonly asked question regarding IVF is the cost of the treatment. In India or anywhere across the globe, the cost of IVF depends initially on the fertility workup of the couple and therefore, the costs vary from person-to-person. However normally, IVF ranges approximately between 1,25,000 to 1,50,000 per cycle. 

3. Why is IVF an expensive treatment?

IVF requires highly qualified personnel and latest technological equipment. Moreover, the equipment and materials used in an IVF lab are all imported and expensive. Further, most of the materials being used are disposable and meant for single use. Additionally, costing also includes medications.

4. How many times can a couple try IVF?

A couple can try IVF as many times as they wish to in case, they can handle the costs.

5. Where can the IVF tests be done?

Vasundhara Hospital offers IVF tests at its Jodhpur & Jaipur branches.

6. How much time do the Egg collection/ pickup procedure take?

Although the time duration of this procedure depends entirely on the number of follicles required; yet in general, it takes 5-10 minutes.

7. Is Egg collection process painful?

No! The process is not painful, but it may cause mild discomfort. We at Vasundhara use mild anesthesia administered via IV route that relieves discomfort.  

8. How much rest is required after the embryo transfer procedure?

Usually, a rest period of 15-20 minutes is sufficient. However, it is suggested not to indulge in heavy exercise and walking long distances during this period of time. It is suggestive to the working women to resume their offices from the next day.

9. Can someone who does not have sperm have children?

There are separate procedures for men who do not have sperms in their semen. One such procedure includes collecting samples from the testes in different ways depending on the condition. In case sperm is found in these tissue samples, ICSI can be used to inseminate the eggs.

10. How far is IVF successful?

There are multiple factors, such as patient’s age, their condition and the treatment used, that determines the success rates of IVF. However, Vasundhara Hospital has the highest recorded success rate across Rajasthan. 

In this blog we have tried to cover 10 FAQs concerning IVF, but we at Vasundhara Hospital are always available to answer all your queries related to IVF so that you can have a better understanding of the process before taking up the infertility treatment.

Medically Reviewed By:
Dr. Sanjay Makwana
Chief Medical Director Sr. Endoscopic Surgeon & A.R.T. Specialist

Dr. Sanjay Makwana having more than 25 years of enriching experience in the field of Infertility, training exposure from Genk, Belgium, Germany, Italy. One of the Best &Most Senior Infertility Specialist heading the department of Assisted Reproductive Technology and has set a benchmark for Best IVF Clinic & Infertility Management in Rajasthan. He has been felicitated with various awards and recognition’s in the field of Infertility.

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