What Is Male Infertility? Can It Be Treated?

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Things You Must Discuss with Your Gynaecologist
August 20, 2021
10 Frequently Asked Questions Related to In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
10 Frequently Asked Questions Related to In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
August 27, 2021

Are you struggling with getting pregnant? You are not alone facing this problem. Infertility is a common problem facing couples these days. Although infertility is generally thought as a women’s issue, the fact is even men may deal with it. Infertility caused due to problems in men, is known as ‘male factor infertility’.

As a matter of fact, the probability of having fertility issue is the same for both the men as well as women. An estimate says that 30-50% of the couples struggling with infertility are cases of male factor infertility.   

Want to know more about male factor infertility? Stay with us here, and we will acquaint you with everything that you should know about male factor infertility.

Infertility: What is it?

Most of the couples, say 85%, get pregnant within one year of trying. While, those who fail to conceive, are labeled as ‘infertile’. There is an inverse relation between age and fertility. Fertility decreases with the increase in the age. Therefore, for couples who are 35 or above, if you are trying, but are unable to conceive, it is recommended to undergo an evaluation after six months.   

There are a cluster of factors that determine fertility, which includes hormonal heath, quality of the sperm, and structural issues that might have an impact on the ability of the sperm to fertilize the egg. It is therefore suggested, to consult with your doctor on the options of testing available, before stepping into the journey of parenthood.

A relatively easy, quick and pocket-friendly testing option available is ‘semen analysis’. A decline in the quality of the sperm is observed even in healthy and fertile men. In fact, in the last 10 years, decrease in the normal sperm count and an increase in the low sperm count, have been observed globally. This observation follows a trend that was first witnessed over 40 years ago.

No one has been able to find out the reason behind this trend of decreasing sperm count. As such it becomes even more important for you (or you partner) to undergo sperm analysis at the earliest possible.

Sperm Quality: How is it determined?   

The quality of the sperm is greatly determined by your overall health and well-being. The sperm quality generally gets degraded by lifestyle factors, such as alcohol consumption and smoking. On the other hand, a good diet and proper sleep improves the same. Additionally, the quality tends to decrease with increase in age.

Sperm quality, however, does not ultimately decide your (in)fertility. There can be several other potential problems in a moment (that we shall discuss in the blog below). Though not the ultimate determiner, yet it should be remembered that the sperm quality plays a very prominent role in conception and the growth of a healthy baby.

Here are three key factors, apart from the sperm quality, that shall form a part of your analysis:   

  • Count: Count refers to the concentration of sperm in a given amount of semen. Although more does not necessarily mean better; but yes, less can be problematic. Anything less than 15 is termed as low count.
  • Morphology: Morphology refers to the shape and the size of the sperm. The sperm must have a particular shape to able to penetrate into the egg. At least 4% of your overall sperm needs to be of a normal shape.
  • Motility: Motility refers to the ability of the sperm to swim. It is measured by the percentage of moving sperm in a semen sample. An ideal semen sample should have half of the motile sperms.

Apart from this, your semen analysis will also inform you on the chemical composition of your sample. It shall indicate whether your sample is too thick or too watery; whether the environment is too acidic or too alkaline, and whether or not the volume is right. Too little volume may be a sign of blockage or production issue in the seminal vesicles.

Your doctor is the right one to guide your course of action. However, if you are making any changes in your lifestyle to improve the sperm quality; it is important for you to know that spermatogenesis – the process by which new sperms are created – takes about 3-4 months. Therefore, if you are making any changes in your lifestyle with the hope of improving the sperm quality, expect that it will take that long to show the desired results before going for your next analysis.

 Infertility: What are its causes?

The most common causes of male infertility are:

  • Disorders relating to sperm production.
  • Structural abnormalities
  • Sperm production can be inhibited in men who have undergone a vasectomy. It can come also come from a varicocele, or enlarged vein(s) in the scrotum. Generally, a varicocele can be easily repaired. 
  • Blockage in the reproductive tracts that might either completely or partly block the semen (and the sperm inside). Such blockages may be the result of surgeries and/or infections, and in some, it may be present from birth. 
  • Disorders related to Endocrine hormone that can hinder the sperm from successfully meeting and fertilizing the egg in the woman’s genital tract.
  • Immunological disorders.

There are several other tests, apart from semen testing, such as blood work and more in-depth testing of the sperm and the DNA. It is highly recommended to consult a doctor at the earliest possible, in case you have any concerns related to your health, or if you are experiencing difficulty in ejaculation.

Infertility: What is its cure?

It is best to consult an expert for Infertility related problems. We at Vasundhara Hospital have a team of specialists ready to assist you in achieving parenthood dreams. Let us worry about the testing, the results and providing the best solution for you. Your job is to ensure that you’re healthy and happy so you have the best chance at successful procedures.

Visit https://vasundharahospital.com/infertility-treatment/

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