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Get Together of Doctors


Celebrating Excellence

A Heartfelt Doctors' Get-Together by Vasundhara Hospital


About Event

Celebrating Excellence: A Heartfelt Doctors' Get-Together by Vasundhara Hospital

On the evening of June 27th, 2024, Vasundhara Hospital hosted a heartfelt gathering to celebrate the remarkable achievements of our renowned doctors and their continued excellence. The event, held at Zone By The Park, was graced by the presence of Dr. Sanjay Makwana and Dr. Renu Makwana, CMDs of Vasundhara Hospital.

The program commenced with the felicitation of all doctors, followed by recognizing the RMOs for their extraordinary contributions. To express gratitude, mementos and lucky plants were given to the doctors as tokens of appreciation.

The atmosphere in the hall was cool and joyous, enhanced by light music performed by a group of musicians. A group of doctors delighted everyone by singing a song, adding to the evening's enjoyment. The event was a perfect blend of recognition, celebration, and camaraderie. The evening ended on a high note, with everyone leaving with cherished memories and a sense of pride in being part of the Vasundhara Hospital family.

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