Are mobile phones filling gap between you and your child?

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The most advanced and effective communication device in this century is mobile phone. Use of mobile phones has been on rise for last few decades and with the arrival of smart phones it has gripped the small children also. Today’s children are growing up in a radio-frequency environment that never existed in human history before. The radiation emitted by mobile phones and mobile phone vibrations can have adverse effects on children. We can easily observe children from the age of 1 year playing with mobiles, watching videos, but are we aware of the hazards associated with use of mobile phones in children. Let’s see some of the harmful effects associated with its use:

Doctors have identified a link between over-use of mobile phones and convergent strabismus, a condition that sees a patient’s eyes gradually moving inwards until the person is eventually cross-eyed. The doctors were able to reverse the effects in most of the children by banning them from using mobile phones for around two months. The researchers have recommended that users should not look at a mobile phone screen for more than 30 minutes at a time and that children displaying signs of deviated eyes should consult a doctor immediately

Studies have shown that children with cell phone exposure had higher odds of migraines and headache-related symptoms than children with no exposure. Researchers have found that the risk of headache is increased by 38% in mobile phone user compared with non-mobile phone user. Among mobile phone users, the risk of headache is also higher in those who had longer daily call duration and higher daily call frequency

Other than that Mobile phone use has been associated with vertigo/dizziness, fatigue, forgetfulness, sleep disturbance-insomnia, tension-anxiety, joint and bone pain, lacrimation of the eyes, hearing loss and tinnitus

So in nutshell we should avoid use of mobile phones as much as we can. Keep away the toddlers from mobile phones. In older children and adolescents time should be fixed for use of mobile phones, earphones can be used if used for calling to keep mobile away from head.

Kids learn from elders whatever they do, it is the responsibility of each parent to look after it. Let’s mobile not to rule our life or become interactive filler between parents & kids. Interact with your child, acknowledge their queries and schedule specific tech-free family time!!

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