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Garbh Sanskar (28th April) Event


Date : 28th April 2024

Venue : Vasundahara Hospital, Jodhpur(Raj.)


About Event

On April 28, 2024, Vasundhara Hospital in Jodhpur celebrated its annual Garbh Sanskar event, uniting expectant mothers & fathers, and healthcare experts. This ancient practice, rooted in both rituals & spiritual forums, emphasizes prenatal education and care, benefiting mother and child with tools for a healthy pregnancy.

Event Highlights:

The event featured key sessions from renowned experts from Clinical, Dietary to Mental well-being:

  • Dr. Renu Makwana: Discussed the medical benefits of Garbh Sanskar, aligning ancient practices with modern medical insights.
  • Dr. Navneet Kaur: Covered fetal development and the spiritual aspects of Garbh Sanskar, offering practical daily routines for a healthier pregnancy.
  • Mrs. Kuldeep Kaur: Focused on prenatal and postnatal nutrition, providing practical dietary plans and tips
  • Mrs. Aradhna Kaul Kathju: Provided mental well-being advice, and led interactive activities to foster community support.

Key takeaways for Attendees:
  • Comprehensive Learning: Diverse topics offered a holistic understanding of the journey of parenthood.
  • Expert Guidance: Access to professionals provided credible insights and personalized advice.
  • Engaging Activities: Interactive sessions, including a photoshoot, ramp walk for pregnant women, educational training for would-be fathers, fun activities, and various games, made the event enjoyable and memorable.
  • Community Support: The event fostered a sense of community, allowing expectant mothers and fathers to share experiences and challenges.

This event not only celebrated the journey into parenthood but also equipped participants with practical knowledge, a supportive community environment, and enjoyable fun activities.

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